
Institute for rational addiction policies

Institute for rational addiction policies

Who We Are

Institute for rational addiction policies is a multidisciplinary association of independent and prominent experts who address the issue of addiction from all angles - public and individual health, legislation and other legal implications, including security challenges, and economics including market modeling, tax, economic impacts on public budgets, the field of education and prevention, and finally also the fields of social and sociological and political science.

News and opinions

Psychedelic-assisted therapy for treating PTSD in Ukraine brings hope to war veterans and the civilians


Ukraine is trying to support the idea that mental health will become an integral part of Ukraine’s “reconstruction.” Czech Republic can in this regard offer a helping hand in the sphere of innovative therapy. That is also one of the reasons why a Ukrainian delegation took part in the international conference Novel Mental Health Treatments and Sustainability of Healthcare Systems: Czechia as a Leader of the EU? which took place in Prague.

Czech Republic at the forefront of the fight against mental illness: Help for war-stricken Ukraine and an example for Europe to follow


Mental health was the main topic of the international conference Novel Mental Health Treatments and Sustainability of Healthcare Systems: Czechia as a Leader of the EU? which took place in Prague and connected respected scientists, experts, regulatory authorities and legislators from the EU member states with members of the European Commission (EC), European Parliament (EP) and representatives from Ukraine. The conference was organized by the Institute for Rational Addiction Policies, the PSYRES Psychedelic Research Foundation and the PsychedelicsEUROPE platform which focuses on European regulation.

Open letter to the members of the Parliament of the Czech Republic on psychomodulating substances


A change that was adopted during the discussion of the comprehensive amendment to the Psychomodulants Act, namely the change of responsibility from the Office of the Government to the Ministry of Health, is problematic.

About Us


Think Tank aims to influence public opinion and thereby model political attitudes, to influence strategic documents of a political and professional nature, including the professionally correct setting of legislation, on the other hand to influence strong industry to adopt basic ethical standards. The Rational Addiction Policy Think Tank has the ambition to influence policy at the national level of the Czech Republic, as well as international policy.

In the international context, the Rational Addiction Policy Think Tank wants to primarily focus on the institutions of the EC and the EU Parliament, but will also be active at the level of the Pompidou Group, the United Nations, large multinational non-governmental institutions and civil company.


The Rational Addiction Policy Think Tank will prepare professional and independent analyzes and studies, prepare independent proposals for legislation, or proposals for specific politically and strategically oriented proposals for further preventive measures. Based on the outputs, it will organize round tables, expert seminars, including seminars in the parliamentary environment, the EC environment, possibly the UN, the professional field and the non-governmental sector. Through partner institutions and individual experts from among experts (professional companies, non-governmental sector, chamber of commerce, other professional and political Think Tanks and recognized personalities from all relevant fields) will influence the creation of strategic documents at all political and professional levels.

Logo Think tank Racionální politiky závislostí

Think tank Racionální politiky závislostí

Ústav pro společenský výzkum a vzdělávání, z.ú

Hilleho 1842/5, 602 00, Brno, Česká republika

IČ: 06052363
DIČ: CZ06052363

Datová schánka: 9mp7u2a

vedený u Krajského soudu v Brně, U 207

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